8 Common Chemical Toxins That Disrupt Your Health


Most of us will say that we keep a clean house. We do the laundry and get the dishes clean before they pile up. We might even clean the baseboards more often than the average person.

But cleanliness won’t protect you from common chemical toxins that have slipped into our homes unnoticed. Many common household products contain toxins that can silently wreak havoc on our health, leading to a myriad of problems ranging from endocrine disruption to neurological issues and even cancer. Most people don’t realize the incredible effect toxins have on our health, so they spend years suffering from symptoms without uncovering the cause. 

In this article, the Cary Holistic Health team will explore eight common household toxins and their negative effects on our well-being. We'll also delve into how functional medicine can help identify these toxins and address underlying health issues, allowing us to live our most vibrant lives.

Think you are suffering from toxic overload? Schedule a discovery call to learn more about how we can help.

8 Common Chemical Toxins

1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, is a synthetic chemical used in the production of plastic products like water bottles, food containers, and even the lining of canned foods. BPA is notorious for its ability to mimic estrogen in the body, causing endocrine disruption. When BPA is ingested, it can interfere with hormonal balance, potentially leading to fertility issues, hormone-related cancers, and disrupted menstrual cycles. Additionally, BPA exposure has been linked to gut problems and increased inflammation.

2. Phthalates

Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to soften plastics and are commonly found in personal care products, such as cosmetics, fragrances, and vinyl flooring. Like BPA, phthalates are endocrine disruptors, which can lead to hormonal imbalances, affecting both men and women. Endocrine disruption from phthalates has been linked to reproductive issues, developmental problems, and an increased risk of certain cancers.

3. Triclosan

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal chemical found in many household products, including hand soaps, toothpaste, and even some cutting boards. Its widespread use has raised concerns due to its potential to disrupt the endocrine system and promote antibiotic resistance. Triclosan exposure has been associated with gut issues, as it can alter the composition of the microbiome, leading to digestive problems and inflammation.

4. Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a strong-smelling, colorless gas used in the manufacturing of a variety of household items, including furniture, cabinets, and even some personal care products like nail polish and hair straighteners. Exposure to formaldehyde is linked to respiratory issues, brain fog, fatigue, and allergic reactions. Long-term exposure is associated with an increased risk of cancer, particularly in the nasal passages and throat.

5. Perchloroethylene (PCE)

Perchloroethylene, also known as PCE or perc, is a solvent commonly used in dry cleaning and certain household products like spot removers. PCE exposure can lead to neurological issues, including dizziness, headaches, and cognitive impairment. Long-term exposure is associated with an increased risk of cancer, particularly bladder cancer.

6. Lead

Lead is a well-known toxic heavy metal found in older homes with lead-based paint and plumbing. Even low-level lead exposure can result in a range of health issues, including cognitive impairment, developmental delays in children, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems. Chronic lead exposure can lead to neurological damage and an increased risk of cancer.

7. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile Organic Compounds are a group of chemicals released into the air from various household products, such as paints, varnishes, cleaning supplies, and even scented candles. VOC exposure can lead to brain fog, fatigue, and respiratory problems. Prolonged exposure is associated with an increased risk of neurological issues and certain cancers.

8. Pesticides

Pesticides are commonly used in agriculture and can find their way into our homes through contaminated produce or by using pest control products. Pesticide exposure has been linked to endocrine disruption, gut issues, neurological problems, and an increased risk of various cancers, including breast and prostate cancer.

Why Chemical Toxins Matter for Your Health

Chemicals can disrupt many core processes in the human body. 

Let's delve into their potential impact on health issues. Do these symptoms sound familiar? Perhaps you need a medically-supervised toxin detox. 

  • Hormone Imbalances

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like BPA, phthalates, triclosan, flame retardants, and heavy metals can interfere with the body's hormonal system. This disruption can lead to imbalances in hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones. Hormonal imbalances can contribute to a wide range of health problems, including fertility issues, irregular menstrual cycles, and mood disorders.

  • Gut Issues

Many of these household toxins, including phthalates, PFAS, and pesticides, can negatively affect the gut microbiome, leading to dysbiosis and gastrointestinal problems. A healthy gut is essential for overall well-being, and an imbalanced gut microbiota can cause digestive discomfort, food sensitivities, and even more severe conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

  • Brain Fog

Brain fog is a common symptom reported by individuals exposed to these toxins. The disruption of the endocrine system and the inflammation associated with some of these chemicals can impair cognitive function. VOCs, in particular, can irritate the respiratory system, reducing oxygen flow to the brain and contributing to mental fog and poor concentration.

  • Fatigue

The endocrine disruption caused by these toxins can lead to imbalances in energy-regulating hormones like cortisol and thyroid hormones. This disruption can contribute to chronic fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness. Moreover, the body's detoxification systems can become overwhelmed by the constant exposure to toxins, leading to increased fatigue.

  • Cancers

Several of these household toxins have been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides can damage DNA and trigger abnormal cell growth, increasing the likelihood of cancer development. Breast, prostate, and thyroid cancers are some of the cancer types that have been associated with exposure to these toxins.

Functional Medicine: Beat the Effects of Chemicals at the Root

When it comes to reducing household chemicals, you need to begin with research and elimination. Try finding out how your preferred brands stack up in terms of chemical content. Choose different cleaners and cookware if your current items are considered dangerous by environmental or watch dog groups. Then see how you feel once you eliminate these products from your home.

Our bodies are constantly working at clearing waste products & toxins, however, sometimes we may carry a toxic burden that can contribute to chronic issues. Our bodies can exist in a state of imbalance for so long that we need personalized wellness plans to set us on the right path. 

Naturopathic medicine offers a holistic approach to health that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues, including toxin exposure. By working with a Naturopathic practitioner, individuals can gain insight into their toxin exposure, assess their overall health, and develop personalized strategies to minimize toxin exposure and optimize their well-being.

Cary Holistic Health is Your Destination for Holistic Detox Services

Our homes should be safe havens, but the presence of common household toxins can jeopardize our health and well-being. The toxins discussed in this article, from BPA and phthalates to formaldehyde and pesticides, have been linked to a range of health issues, including endocrine disruption, gut problems, brain fog, fatigue, neurological issues, and even cancer. 

Fortunately, functional medicine offers a path to identifying these toxins and addressing underlying health issues, allowing us to live our most vibrant lives. By taking proactive steps to minimize toxin exposure and support our overall health, we can create a healthier and more vibrant living environment for ourselves and our families.

Schedule a discovery call today.

Jeff Shuller